We find out the sex of the babies in 5 days!!!! I am so excited I can't stand it. Before we find out, I thought it would be fun to guess based on old wives' tales. Old Wives Tale #1: Heart Rate If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. Prediction outcome: GIRL Old Wives Tale #2: Shape of Belly If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy. Prediction outcome: NOT SURE (VOTE FOR BOTH) Old Wives Tale #3: Acne If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones. Prediction outcome: GIRL Old Wives Tale #4: Cravings People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. Prediction ...